Specialised Engineering in Operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles postgraduate

The training objective

The Unmanned Aircraft Operator Engineer specialisation is designed to train engineers who will be able to operate unmanned aircraft in compliance with the current EU and national legislation. Operational competences include maintenance, preparation for flight, planning and execution of flights, and technical, technological and theoretical knowledge of unmanned aircraft. In addition, the training includes the processing and analysis of remote sensing data obtained from aerial photography.  The training will introduce the students to specific practical applications of unmanned aerial vehicles and provide them with hands-on experience in specific areas. Graduates will be fully prepared for the European (including national) drone pilot licence.  On this basis, they can pass the official drone pilot exam without additional training.

Title of the qualification or diploma

A person who has completed at least a bachelor’s degree (or, in the former training system, at least a bachelor’s degree at the level of higher education in any field of training) and obtained a professional qualification in engineering: ‘unmanned aircraft operator engineer’.
 A person who has completed at least a bachelor’s (or, in the former system, at least a bachelor’s) level of education and obtained a non-engineering education and training in any field of training: ‘unmanned aircraft operator specialist’.

You can apply for the training

Candidates who have at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering or non-engineering (or at least a bachelor’s degree in any field of study in the previous training system) and a professional qualification in engineering or non-engineering are eligible for further training.

Training time and training fees

The duration is 2 semesters (180 contact hours), 60 credits. The semester fee is HUF 350.000.- 1st semester, HUF 400 000.

Apply for the training

Applications are made by submitting the online application form and formal admission is completed by filling in the enrolment form.

Main fields of study of the training

Basic knowledge: legal knowledge; meteorological knowledge.

Technical knowledge: drone propulsion, flight theory; sensors supporting guidance and control; sensors supporting data acquisition.

Practical skills: preparing flight plans for autonomous flights; implementing flight plans, collecting data; handling in-flight emergencies; examples of use, case studies; using management, avoidance and detection systems for unmanned operations.

Data processing skills: basics of airborne data acquisition; data collection, image processing; use of geographic information systems for visualisation and data integration of the final products.


The knowledge verification system

The knowledge assessment system consists of online tests, oral and written exams, a short summary of an application area, practical reports, practical exercises, a practical exam, and a final exam and a thesis to complete the whole course.

Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Pirosalma u. 1-3.
+36 (22) 200-422
E-mail: to@amk.uni-obuda.hu
 Responsible person. Tamás Jancsó
E-mail: jancso.tamas@amk.uni-obuda.hu

Form of training

The training is correspondence-based and consists of 4 three-day consultation weeks per semester, which are held on Thursday-Friday-Saturday. The theoretical training will take place in Székesfehérvár, the flight exercises in Zichyújfalu.