With great enthusiasm we set off to the Lake Velence Tour to inaugurate the new faculty bikes on 8 May.
On the tour we were joined by 4 Uzbek visiting students from TIIAME University in Tashkent who came to our faculty for 3 months.
They were the first to try out the faculty bikes for a longer distance.
Due to a puncture, we had a longer break, almost became a train ride! But the puncture was in the right place, at the right time, near a service station. It was fixed, while the Uzbek students were gathering strength.
We managed to get back to the campus before the gates closed, and in the nice weather we had a great time, and finally, we had a good sporting session demonstrating a healthy lifestyle!
Sorry for those who were not there! Hopefully, there will be more of us in the autumn tour!
Ferenc Molnár PE teacher