Prof. Dr. Györök György
Dean -
Dr. Pogátsnik Monika
Vice Dean for Education
Head of the Institute of Engineering
Head of the Dual Training Office -
Nagyné Dr. habil Hajnal Éva
Vice Dean for Research -
Takács Éva
Head of Dean’s Office
Dual Training Coordinator -
Dr. habil Pődör Andrea
Head of the Institute of Geoinformatics -
Piglerné Dr. habil Lakner Rozália
Head of the Institute of Science and Software Engineering -
Veres Richárd
Head of Human Resources and Public Relations -
Major-Perlaki Andrea
Head of Study Department -
Dr. Katona János
Deputy Head of the Institute of Geoinformatics -
Tolner Nikoletta
Deputy Head of the Institute of Engineering -
Módné Takács Judit
Deputy Head of the Institute of Science and Software Engineering