Beside the legal representation of students, the Students’ Union regularly organises events, excursions, and parties for the students of the ÓE AMK. They regularly inform students about university life, applications, scholarships, job opportunities, and organise sports activities, vocational programmes, and competitions.
More information about the Students’ Union and some thoughts from them:
“We are average students, but on top of that we have taken on a few extra things to make things at least a little bit better for our students. If you ask us what we actually do, it would be difficult to give a quick answer, because our work is quite complex.

So let’s go into a little more detail:
The first thing we could say is that we are always there for our students when they need help, good advice or understanding. There is no person who cannot be helped in some way and no situation without a way out. So we help where we can!
Another important thing is that our students should only be concerned about learning and having a good time in our small town, enjoying the family atmosphere in our Faculty.
In short, we represent our students to the best of our ability. We are able to get to the heart of a problem with half a word most of the time. Feel free to contact us and don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.“