ERASMUS with teacher mobility in Uzbekistan

In the framework of the ERASMUS Teacher Mobility, I spent a week in the second half of April 2024 in the capital of Uzbekistan, at the “TIIAME” National Research University in Taken. The main objective of the mobility was to share teaching and research experiences and to strengthen cooperation between universities. During my stay there, I also gave an eight-hour practical training course on image processing for doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s students. The advanced classes were held in the form of a workshop and were part of the SUSLAND2024 international conference. Many interested and active students participated in both the basic and advanced level courses. I also discussed personal research topics with the doctoral students.

On the International Earth Day, the International Conference on Sustainable Land Management and Cadaster System (SUSLAND2024) was held at the National Research University “TIIAME” in cooperation with the Cadaster Office and the University of Óbuda, from 22-23 April. The conference included scientific presentations and discussions on sustainable agriculture and cadastral systems and the application of innovative technologies, with a special focus on the sustainable management of environment and water resources. I participated in the conference as a plenary speaker. In the presentation “Determination of suitable RS-based methods for soil moisture estimation” I presented the results of WREN research to the participants. 

The conference and the training are reported in the following news items – available online:

An important part of the mobility was the professional discussions, which were continuous and interactive. On the first day, Mr. Ilhom Abdurahmanov, in charge of international relations, organized a meeting with the Dean of the University and several heads of institutions, focusing on teaching and research opportunities. Discussions on these topics continued in an informal format over lunch and conversation.

The active interest of our Uzbek colleagues in our university was tangible and encouraged us to look for points that could help our institutions to cooperate more closely in the future. This was reported in the University News, available at

In addition to the abundance of events and the intense pace of work, there was also time for a short tour of Tashkent and the countryside, and to learn about traditions.

During the organization of the mobility and during the trip, I received continuous support from my TIIAME ERASMUS contact, Mr. Ilhom Abdurahmanov, mentioned above, and from local colleagues. They were always helpful and there were no language or local knowledge problems. Thanks to the attentiveness of the local colleagues, I always had someone at my side to help me with the tasks I had to do. New contacts were made and I was pleased to find that the cooperation between the two universities could be further strengthened in the future. Overall, the mobility of teachers was very successful, laying the foundations for continued cooperation in both research and teaching.

Updated: 06.05.2024.