GI-INDEED – Geo-Information in the Implementation of Netbased Distance Education for Environmental Decision-making

Type of project: EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme Pilot Project
Project number: SE/05/B/F/PP-161012


GI-INDEED is a EU training project that aims at improving life-long learning and continuous training in the field of geo- and environmental information, to tune data according in particular to the proposed new INSPIRE Directive.
In such a context, the realisation of modules of pilot training are foreseen on:

  1. environmental web services
  2. tuning of data and Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI)
  3. use of SDI for protected areas
  4. use of SDI for coastal areas

As overall, to improve the possibilities for lifelong learning and continuous vocational training within the field of handling geo and environmental information, thus in the long perspective contributing to support authorities in implementing EU directives. The aim is also to propose a base for pan European recognition of GIS-related vocational training.

More analytically to:

  1. increase knowledge about environmental data handling
  2. contribute to improved consciousness across Europe
  3. give various stakeholders access to environmental information
  4. to develop a training level at the European level but also suitable to a local context
  5. to contribute to sectoral standards for competence certification (Copenhagen Declaration), thus improving transferability of competencies

Main outcomes

  1. Survey of training requirements among professionals and training providers
  2. Training material. Sectoral training courses:
  3. Engineering of environmental web services
  4. Data harmonisation and SDI
  5. Use of SDI for protected areas
  6. Use of SDI for coastal zone management
  7. Pilot tests of products at training institutes
  8. Web based course selector


  1. Universities:

University of Gävle (SE)
University College of West Hungary (HU)
University of Zilinska (SK)

  1. Training providers:

National Land Survey (SE)
Educational and Advisory Institute of MARD (HU)
ICCOPS-Landscape, Natural and Cultural Heritage Observatory (IT)

  1. International

GIS International Group (IT)
Association of GI Laboratories in Europe (NL)