LIME Leonardo da Vinci project (2000-2001)


The project aims to produce a new profession (assisstant in Land Information Management) based on the existing OLLO, UNIPHORM, SDiLA materials and methodology developed in UNIPHORM, exploitation, further development, improvement of OLLO and UNIPHORM.

Target groups: High school graduates in land offices, local governments, regional development offices, ministries, banks, insurance companies, lawyer assistants, other professionals and service providers.


  1. Institution for Professional Education in Agriculture (IPDA, Hungary) 
  2. Slovak Technical University, Bratislava (Slovakia) 
  3. GISIG (Italy) 
  4. Manchester University (MU, UK) 
  5. University of East London (UeL, UK)
  6. University of Salzburg (US, Austria)


  1. 500 hours Distance Learning course, based on 13 modules
  2. The concepts of the widespread and flexible use of OLLO materials
  3. New profession: assistant in land information management
  4. Geoinformation Knowledge Base
  5. Internet based Educational services – 
  6. LIME konsortium