LIME Leonardo da Vinci project (2000-2001)
The project aims to produce a new profession (assisstant in Land Information Management) based on the existing OLLO, UNIPHORM, SDiLA materials and methodology developed in UNIPHORM, exploitation, further development, improvement of OLLO and UNIPHORM.
Target groups: High school graduates in land offices, local governments, regional development offices, ministries, banks, insurance companies, lawyer assistants, other professionals and service providers.
- Institution for Professional Education in Agriculture (IPDA, Hungary)
- Slovak Technical University, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- GISIG (Italy)
- Manchester University (MU, UK)
- University of East London (UeL, UK)
- University of Salzburg (US, Austria)
- 500 hours Distance Learning course, based on 13 modules
- The concepts of the widespread and flexible use of OLLO materials
- New profession: assistant in land information management
- Geoinformation Knowledge Base
- Internet based Educational services –
- LIME konsortium