MSc in Sports Economics

Master’s degree in Sports Economics

Sport is a social activity that can operate in a market economy, partly on the basis of market and partly on the basis of state coordination. The efficient and value-conscious operation of sport is a prerequisite for its ability to create value for society as a whole and its subsystems. Its success is the basis for the socio-economic competitiveness and sustainability of sport. Effective management requires purposeful leadership, a profession of economist, which presupposes knowledge of the latest social science, management, sports economics, management theory and advanced business practice solutions, an understanding of their interaction and their sophisticated application to the specific field of sport. This is a prerequisite for a high level of practising sports economists and a starting point for scientific research into the economics of sport. This is needed in the training of both qualified sports managers and scientific researchers in the field. MSc-level training in sports economics could therefore be one of the institutional foundations for sustainable, value-creating sport.

The aim of the course is to train sports economists who, with their economic and sports science education, are able to think independently and creatively in the field of European and domestic sports life and in the global market, to analyse the activities of economic organisations and solve complex development tasks, to carry out applied sports science and economic scientific analyses and research in the academic field, public and private sectors, to define development goals in the field of sport life, taking the conditions of the modern market economy into account, and at the same time, with a high level of theoretical knowledge and skills in sports economics (innovation), they are also capable of performing middle and senior management tasks in various areas of domestic and international economic life. They are prepared to continue their studies at doctoral level.

Qualifications: certified sports economist, Sports economist
Type of training: full-time, traditional and dual, correspondence courses
Language of training: Hungarian
Duration of training: 4 semesters
Number of credits to be accumulated: 120
Number of hours to be taught: 1208
Duration of the traineeship: 60
Type of placement: Criterion requirement
Supervisor: Dr. Krisztina András Associate Professor (